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Lush litchi is unmatched for health with taste, leaves are also beneficial, know its 10 benefits and how to consume

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 Lush litchi is unmatched for health with taste, leaves are also beneficial, know its 10 benefits and how to consume
 Along with the taste, juicy litchi is also unmatched for health.

 The taste of juicy litchi is also full of health.  Its leaves are also very beneficial and beneficial for health.  It gives relief in many diseases.  Doctors say that consuming litchi in the right way is beneficial in many diseases including diabetes.

  The succulent lychee taste itself is unmatched in health too.  Consuming it in the right way gives relief in many diseases.  Its leaves are also very beneficial and beneficial in many diseases.  Doctors say that eating litchi in the right way and quantity provides relief in many diseases including diabetes.  There is a lot of cultivation of this fruit in many areas including Yamunanagar of Haryana.

 The juice of the tree is litchi, leaves are also of great use, sore throat is fine

 Litchi is selling a lot these days.  Those who like litchi also call it 'Pree ka Rasgulla'.  There are many benefits of eating litchi in the summer season.  According to doctors and dieticians, litchi reduces the pain of arthritis, vata and pitta dosha.  Its botanical name is chinensis.  It is called Leechur in Urdu, Lisi in Oriya, Elaichi in Tamil.  According to doctors, this fruit is helpful in controlling diabetes.  Its leaves are also useful.  Make a decoction of the bark of its stem and gargle with it, it provides relief in mouth disease.


 Dietician Shreya Middha told that many times there is a fever after a sore throat.  Eating litchi gives relief.  By the way, gargling with the decoction of the bark and flowers of its tree provides relief in throat pain.  Litchi plants are planted in homes and gardens.

 Elements in litchi per hundred grams -

 Calories- 66
 Fat - 0.4 g
 Cholesterol - 0 mg
 Potassium- 171 mg
 Carbohydrates - 17 grams
 Sugar - 15 grams
 Protein - 0.8 g
 Vitamin C - 119%
 Iron - 1 percent
 Vitamin B-6 5 percent
 Magnesium - 2 percent
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A litchi farm in Sanauli, Panipat.

 According to Ayurvedic and naturopathic doctors and dieticians, ten benefits of litchi-

 1- Take litchi on complaints like indigestion, diarrhea.  By the way, if you grind its fruit or pulp, then the problem of stomach goes away.

 2- Many times you must have seen that hands and feet start moving without any reason.  By consuming litchi, you can get relief from this kind of problem.  Its seeds contain the treatment of nervous system disorders.

 3- Post covid patients of corona infection are coming.  He is surrounded by stress, sleep is scarce.  Such people should consume litchi.  With the removal of diabetes, positive energy will come.

 4- These days when it comes to health, there is definitely talk of immunity.  This sweet fruit also strengthens our immune system.

 5- Research says that cancer can also be fought by the consumption of fruits and leaves.  By increasing immunity, diseases stay away.

 6- Dietitians recommend consuming litchi to reduce weight.  Being water, lignanal element, they remove toxins from the body.  This controls the cause.  Weight loss is also due to its laxative properties.

 7- Moisture remains in the skin.  May reduce dryness of hair.  Hair fall is stopped.

 8- Problems like constipation are removed.  Digestion is strengthened.
 Lychee has also worked in protecting from heart attack.  Since it contains anti-oxidants and vitamin C.  Prevents blood vessels from narrowing.  Blood circulation remains normal.  Helps in making the heart strong.

 10- Litchi is useful in getting relief from pain due to insect bites.  Grind its leaves and apply it on the place of insect bite.  Relieves burning, pain and swelling.

  got a higher rate this time

 Sudhir, who is a 15-acre horticulturist in Sanauli, said that this time the rate of litchi fruit has been higher.  Last time the rate was Rs 80 per kg, this time it has reached from 90 to 100.  The fruit has also come good.  By the way, litchi is better than Dehradun on the banks of Yamuna.  The atmosphere here is better.  One tree produces about two quintals of fruit.

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