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What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating plum

imaginary picture  Eating plums can provide several benefits due to their nutritional content, but there may be some disadvantages to consider as well. Here are some of the potential benefits and disadvantages of eating plums: Benefits of eating plums: 1.Nutritional value: Plums are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and dietary fiber. These nutrients contribute to overall health and support various bodily functions. 2.Antioxidant properties: Plums are rich in antioxidants, such as phenolic compounds and vitamin C, which help protect the body against damage from harmful free radicals. Antioxidants can contribute to reducing the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and certain types of cancer. 3.Digestive health: Plums contain dietary fiber, which aids in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Fiber helps promote regular bowel movements, prevent constipation, and support gut health. 4.Hydration: Plums have a high water

Surprising benefits of drinking cinnamon milk

Tek Berry News

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 Cinnamon is a healthy and delicious spice.  Its aroma enhances the taste of the food even more.  You can consume cinnamon in many ways.  Cinnamon powder can also be consumed by mixing it with milk.  Cinnamon is very nutritious.  It is very beneficial for health.  Cinnamon is known to fight infections, improve the hormone insulin and aid in weight loss.  Milk is considered a healthy drink.  It is rich in calcium, protein and many vitamins and minerals.  Cinnamon milk is very beneficial for health.  Let's know its health benefits.

 For weight loss – Cinnamon is rich in anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.  It improves the way of digestion of food.  It reduces the bad effects of high-fat foods.  You can drink it by mixing it in a glass of warm milk.  According to studies, it is also helpful in weight loss.

 Cures Acne – Cinnamon milk is rich in anti-inflammatory properties.  In this way it helps in fighting acne.  Drinking a glass of cinnamon milk every morning can help clear your acne.  This will keep your hormones balanced, so that breakouts do not happen.

 Beneficial for diabetes – Cinnamon milk can especially help prevent type 2 diabetes.  Cinnamon has many properties that lower your blood sugar level.  This milk keeps you full for a long time.

 Helps with Pigmentation – The antibacterial properties of cinnamon along with the lactic and amino acids found in milk help in removing pigmentation from the skin.  It also brightens the complexion of your skin by removing sunburn and dark spots on the face.

 Better Heart Health – Calcium and potassium found in milk help in reducing blood pressure.  Cinnamon lowers the level of bad cholesterol while increasing the level of good cholesterol.  Both of these are helpful in reducing the risk of heart diseases.  Hence a glass of cinnamon milk helps in reducing your blood flow and cholesterol.
 Treats dry skin – Cinnamon milk helps in blood flow and has a beneficial effect on blood capillaries.  The lactic acid found in milk treats dryness and makes your skin soft.  You can consume teaspoon cinnamon and honey in a glass of milk.


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