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Eating plums during pregnancy can be beneficial for you, read their 8 more benefits, you can now

Tek Berry News

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  During pregnancy, mothers should be aware of which fruits they should consume and which fruits should be avoided.  Consuming fruits during pregnancy is especially important in the first trimester as most mothers still suffer from morning sickness during that time while the fetus is in a critical stage of development.  During the first trimester, high amounts of nutrients needed for brain and nervous system development.  Consuming fruits like plums is great to get rid of the worst symptoms of morning sickness as well as to fulfill the essential nutrients.

 Plums are from the genus Prunus and are still in the same family with peaches and cherries.  There are a few varieties of plums from Prunus domestica that originated from Europe, while Asians are familiar with the varieties Prunus simonelli and Prunus salicina.  The name of the plum comes from the Old English 'plum'.  Right now, people are consuming plums in two ways, fresh plums known simply as plums and dried plums best known as prunes which are widely used as additional ingredients for cakes.  Used to prevent premature birth

 There are many factors that can cause premature birth but regular consumption of jujube can help women to prevent premature birth.  This is because the plum is relatively high in magnesium.  Magnesium has an important role in muscle relaxation, so early contractions can be prevented.

 * Optimizes iron absorption

 Iron is one of the major minerals that mothers should consume during pregnancy.  Iron is essential for the production of red blood cells and red blood cells are important for fetal development.  Without an adequate amount of red blood cells, the risk of a baby being born with a birth defect is increasing.  Plum contains relatively high amounts of vitamin C which will optimize the absorption of iron.

 * Get rid of constipation naturally

 During pregnancy, the bowel is slowing down as the baby is in the stomach which will take up more space in the abdomen, so it is sometimes difficult to avoid constipation because the bowel movement is not normal.  However, jujube is rich in fiber which will help mothers to get rid of constipation naturally as the fiber will help in normalizing the movement inside the digestive system.

 * Solutions to fatigue and stress

 Sometimes it is very difficult to avoid stress during pregnancy which can lead to fatigue.  There are many factors that can cause stress during pregnancy, including hormone imbalances.  The foods you need can make you happy and since jujube contains potassium and antioxidants that can boost your energy, instead of feeling stressed you will feel energized. Prevents gestational diabetes

 Also, premature birth, one of the fears that expectant mothers should be aware of is gestational diabetes.  However, plum is one of the recommended fruits to consume on a daily basis with benefits to avoid diabetes.  This is because plums are relatively low in calories with a low glycemic index.

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 * Regulates blood pressure efficiently

 Do you know that high blood pressure during pregnancy is not only fatal for the mother but also for the baby?  That is why, it is important to keep your blood pressure under control.  Consuming foods rich in potassium is one of the ways to control blood pressure and fortunately, sodium is a great source of potassium along with low sodium.

 *Great for Bones

 During pregnancy, the calcium you consume is not only essential for the development of the baby, but also for keeping the mother healthy.  If the amount of calcium in the body is not sufficient, the calcium requirement for the development of the fetus will be taken from the calcium stock in the mother's bone.  You certainly don't want that to happen and consuming plums that are rich in calcium can help you do so for sure.

 *Natural immunity booster

 Being rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, of ​​course plum is great for immunity booster as well.  During pregnancy, the common flu and fever can be fatal to the baby, so you have to do your best to never get sick during pregnancy.

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