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If you want happiness in your home, that is, wealth and happiness, you can get everything. All you have to do is raise a rabbit in your house. Keeping a rabbit does not cause any money related problems in the house. Rabbit is one such animal whose beauty attracts everyone. Especially small children like rabbit very much. There is a velvety feeling on touching the body of a rabbit. We love to touch her soft skin. Let us tell you that whoever keeps rabbits in his house. So there is no dearth of wealth in his house. Rabbit is such an animal that you can feed anything. They eat green coriander, greens and vegetables etc. So let's know about the five benefits of keeping rabbits ...
If negative energy has taken hold in your house, then you should keep rabbits in your house. Due to negative energy, the growth of the house stops and there are obstacles in wealth and wealth. That is why it is considered very good to keep rabbits. This brings happiness and prosperity in the house. To infuse positive energy, keep rabbits in your house.
On the other hand, if any child in your house has fallen ill or if he is frequently seen, then in such a situation you should keep a rabbit in your house. Children's mind is very happy by keeping rabbits. Where the children are happy, the family also becomes happy. Because keeping rabbits entertains children and that is why children do not fall ill.
If you have any fault then you should keep a black colored rabbit. Rahu planet does not work by keeping a black colored rabbit and you also get divine grace. On the other hand, if you keep a white colored rabbit, then it brings happiness and prosperity in the house.
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Rabbit is such an animal that steams the calamities that come in your house. Like if a rabbit suddenly falls ill in your house or if it dies suddenly, then we should understand that there was going to be a crisis in our house. Because the rabbit takes over your forces and you are saved.
At the same time, lifting the rabbit in the hands removes the stress of the person. At the same time, all the troubles that are inside you, all that ends. Because the rabbit is a symbol of positive energy. In such a situation, you can relieve your stress by looking at the rabbit.
(Disclaimer: The information given in this story is based on general assumptions. Tek Berry News does not confirm these. Before applying these facts, please contact the relevant expert)