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Many diseases are cured by sugar candy, know the Ayurvedic benefits of sugar candy

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 Does eating sugar candy increase eyesight?  According to Ayurveda, if you consume sugar candy powder, then eyesight can increase, a mixture of almond, fennel and sugar candy powder helps in increasing eyesight.  Mishri is not refined, so it is considered healthier than sugar and there is no answer to sugar candy even in the test.  You can use it to make any sweet dish.  Mishri is used as medicine in Ayurveda.  Doctors and experts believe that sugar candy is very healthy for our body.  Many diseases are removed by the consumption of sugar candy, such as it helps us to relieve sore throat, cough, stress or tension.  In Ayurveda, sugar candy is also given along with many medicines, so that the medicine takes effect quickly in the body because our body absorbs sweet things quickly.

 1. Candy to increase eyesight

 Mishri is used to increase eyesight.  Mix fennel in sugar candy and take it daily with milk.  This mixture is beneficial for the eyes.  Another way is to prepare a mixture by mixing sugar candy powder, almond powder and fennel powder and eat it every night before sleeping with a spoon with water.  In Ayurveda, it is advised to eat sugar candy with many types of decoctions or medicines.  When you take any medicine with sweet things like sugar candy or honey, then that body absorbs it quickly.

 2. Sore Throat Candy

 Due to the change of weather, we often get infections in our throat, due to which there is a problem of sore throat, swelling etc.  To avoid this, you can use sugar candy.  Sore throat is cured by sugar candy.  Many singers consume sugar candy after performing Riyaz so that their throat does not become sore in any way.  You mix sugar in black pepper powder and ghee to remove sore throat and take it at night, you will feel the difference by morning.
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 3. If you feel stressed or stressed, eat sugar candy

 Mishri is also used to reduce stress.  If you are feeling stressed or feeling then you can consume sugar candy.  This is also a good solution for the mother who breastfeeds the child.  Breastfeeding mother will be stress free with the consumption of sugar candy and the amount of breast milk will increase.  You can take it with ghee or milk, curd.  Panchamrit is prepared in many houses during the worship in which sugar candy, milk, ghee, curd and honey are added.

 4. Use sugar candy for freshness and to avoid heat stroke in humid weather

 The body gets cool from sugar candy.  At this time, you can use sugar candy for the freshness of the body in the sticky summer season.  Sugar candy gives energy in the form of glucose, which helps you to withstand hot temperatures.  Make a powder of sugar candy and put it in water and drink it after mixing lemon juice.  This will also give you freshness and you will not get tired for a long time.  By drinking a drink made from sugar candy, you will not have the problem of getting loo.

 You will find sugar candy in the market in light gray color, white color and yellow color.  If the sugar candy is too white, then do not buy it because the real one is not very white.

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