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WHO warns, Delta variant will dominate the world in a few weeks, learn prevention and prevention measures

Tek Berry News

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 corona virus delta variant
 Cases of delta form of Kovid-19 have now been reported in about 100 countries, cases are also increasing rapidly in India, know who is more at risk of delta

 The second wave of corona virus has undoubtedly weakened but the delta variant of corona has once again worried health experts.  The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that in the coming months, this highly contagious form will become the most dominant form of the corona virus in the whole world.  According to an estimate, cases of delta form of Kovid-19 have now been reported in about 100 countries.

 WHO warning about delta variant
 Sharing the updated data in the 'Kovid-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update', the WHO said that as of 29 June 2021, there were cases of delta type in '96 countries and it is possible that the actual figure is higher because the genome chain for detecting the form of the virus.  Capabilities are also limited.  Many of these countries have said that due to the delta nature, cases of infection are increasing in them and the number of hospitalized patients is also increasing.

 Delta Plus may dominate in next months
 In view of the delta form being highly contagious, the WHO has warned that this form is expected to dominate more than other forms and become the most dominant form in the coming months.

 Delta is most contagious
 The WHO said that the steps taken today to fight the corona virus are also effective against other worrying forms of the virus, including Delta.  Last week, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Grbreyes said the delta is "the most contagious" of all the forms of the coronavirus identified so far and is spreading rapidly among people who have not received the anti-Covid vaccine.

 Delta has spread to 96 countries
 He had said that some countries have relaxed public health and social restrictions, in such a situation there has been an increase in the cases of infection in the world.  According to the latest data, cases of alpha form have been reported in 172 countries, regions, beta form cases in 120 countries, gamma form cases in 72 countries and delta form cases in 96 countries (of which 11 are new countries).  have come.

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 Who is at greater risk of Delta?
 According to the data released by the UK authorities, the delta variant is more dangerous.  Public Health England claims that young people, unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals are at higher risk of infection.

 Between early February and mid-June, 92,029 cases were evaluated which were of the delta variant.  Of which 82,500 cases were reported in people who were over 50 years of age and most of them were not vaccinated.

 However, the data reported that there were 117 cases of deaths due to the delta type, most of whom were over the age of 50.  So far, 8 people have died, of which 6 were under 50 and unvaccinated, while 2 were partially vaccinated.

 Delta Prevention Measures
 To avoid the third wave of corona, keep washing your hands regularly with soap.
 If possible, do not go out of the house and even if you are going, wear a mask and keep a sanitizer with you.
 Avoid touching your mask and anything.
 Keep a distance of at least one meter from infected people and other people.
 - While sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth with a napkin or tissue paper and throw the tissue paper in the right place.
 If your health is already bad then you should stay indoors.
 Avoid smoking and stay away from things that affect the lungs.
 The easiest way to avoid corona virus is not to leave the house unnecessarily.

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