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Guava leaves get rid of these problems, know its benefits

Tek Berry News

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 There are so many nutritious elements in guava leaves, vitamin C, B, protein, carbohydrate, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, amino acids, starch. Guava leaves have flourished with scientific elements.  Now you can make a decoction of guava leaves and drink it.  Make a paste of guava leaves and apply it on the skin.

 Itching occurs due to sweating in such places like thighs, armpits, neck, then this itching transforms into Gajakarna.  Then slowly, this Gajkarna spreads, no matter how much medicine is used on it, it does not get any benefit, in such a way guava leaves are beneficial.  Guava leaves have anti-infective effect which helps in preventing infection.  Method of use: Wash the guava leaves thoroughly in water and make a paste of these leaves, then apply this paste in place of Gajakarna and keep doing this process till the itching is cured, it will be beneficial.

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 A person suffering from diarrhea will get the benefit of guava leaves.  According to a research, guava leaves have anti-helminthic properties, these properties cure diarrhea.  By giving the extract of guava leaves to the patient, the problem of stomach bacteria and diarrhea is reduced within hours.  By eliminating all the problems related to the stomach, it helps in increasing hemoglobin.  So this is the benefit of guava leaves.

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