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What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating plum

imaginary picture  Eating plums can provide several benefits due to their nutritional content, but there may be some disadvantages to consider as well. Here are some of the potential benefits and disadvantages of eating plums: Benefits of eating plums: 1.Nutritional value: Plums are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and dietary fiber. These nutrients contribute to overall health and support various bodily functions. 2.Antioxidant properties: Plums are rich in antioxidants, such as phenolic compounds and vitamin C, which help protect the body against damage from harmful free radicals. Antioxidants can contribute to reducing the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and certain types of cancer. 3.Digestive health: Plums contain dietary fiber, which aids in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Fiber helps promote regular bowel movements, prevent constipation, and support gut health. 4.Hydration: Plums have a high water

Understand the 20 symptoms of the first stage of blood cancer, know how to identify blood cancer

Tek Berry News

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 symptoms of blood cancer

 Initial symptoms of blood cancer are vague

 There are many types of cancer in which there is also a blood cancer.  It is a type of cancer that affects the blood, bone marrow and lymphatic system.  It prevents these organs from working properly.  Blood cancer gradually weakens the system, affecting the way the body functions and also hindering the body's ability to fight infection.

 Several studies have shown that by the year 2020, about 58,000 men and 65,000 women in India will have acute symptoms of blood cancer.  There are about 137 different types of blood cancer.  Chief among these are three types of mangoes.

 Main types of blood cancer

 Leukemia: It affects the white blood cells.  White blood cells are responsible for fighting infection and strengthening the immune system.  It can affect the bone marrow or the circulatory system.

 Lymphoma: Cancer cells directly affect the lymphatic system which is responsible for protecting the body from disease and infection.  Furthermore, there are two types of lymphoma.  Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and Hodgkin lymphoma.

 Myeloma: Also known as multiple myeloma, myeloma is known to affect plasma cells that are located inside the bone marrow and help the body keep infections at bay.

 symptoms of blood cancer

 The symptoms of blood cancer are usually very vague and many of these symptoms are usually combined with symptoms of other common diseases such as colds and flu.  For example, fatigue, fever or itching.

 It should also be remembered that each person is different and that not everyone has the same symptoms.  Even there may not be any of these symptoms. The most common symptoms include-

 - inexplicable weight loss
 - extreme tiredness or fatigue (anemia)
 - heart palpitation
 - feeling weak or short of breath
 - frequent weight loss
 - bruising and bleeding easily
 - Abnormal bleeding from cuts and gums
 - Unexplained lump or swelling in the neck, head, groin or abdomen
 - Heavy headache and vision problems
 Skin changes such as itching
 - Heavy bleeding in women during periods
 - frequent infections
 - having trouble urinating
 - Swollen or enlarged lymph nodes
 - severe abdominal pain or abdominal discomfort
 - Pain in bones/joints/ribs/back
 - Blood in the stool
 - weakening of bones
 Rash or unexplained dark spots all over the body
 Fever and sudden chills with night sweats

 how to detect blood cancer

 A better way to identify the symptoms associated with blood cancer is 'TEST'.
 T – Tiredness
 E – Excessive sweating
 S – Sore joints and bones
 T – Terrible bleeding or unusual bruising

 blood cancer diagnosis

 Blood cancer can be diagnosed with a simple blood test.  Sometimes, the doctor may also recommend further tests such as peripheral smear examination and lymph node excision biopsy.

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 blood cancer treatment

 The most common forms of treatment for blood cancer are chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but treatment varies from patient to patient depending on the type of blood cancer.


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